
Fragments of Old Design Work

February 26, 2020
2 min read
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What are fragments? Well, they’re work that I still find interesting, but they no longer function as a showpiece for where I am in my career. I remember the challenges, my team, the failures and successes, and remember that some of this work opened the doors to more exciting opportunities. Some of it is even fun to chuckle at, thinking back to how we designed for screens that are wildly different than those in 2020.

Every time I’ve looked for a new team, it’s seemed as though I should post some of this older work. It’s silly to say I’ve worked in design for 10+ years but have nothing to show for it. At first, I reasoned that it was because it never seemed right to dump a pile of JPGs on potential employers and leave it to them to sort it out (and it wouldn’t work anyway). But then I never posted anything at all, focusing only on writing or illustrating concepts and case studies that I thought would apply to the role. Every time I landed a new role, getting around to posting old work went back into the ignore pile of tasks.

So…water under the bridge. The work is here now, published under Fragments. And I still fool around with ideas from time to time, so (if I remember) I’ll put them here, too.


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